Step & Stone - Social Enterprise Bakery lifestyle, photography, portraitureRemco Merbis10 December 2018Comment
Niki Groom in St Pauls editorial, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis23 March 2018Comment
Brown in Town feature in Form Magazine editorial, lifestyle, news, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis6 March 2018Comment
Tattoo artist Ben Boston for Make-A-Place at work, editorial, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis21 February 2018 Comment
Floral Designer Astrid Apon for Make-A-Place at work, editorial, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis1 February 2018Comment
Balance Me Skincare Christmas content editorial, lifestyle, photography, publishedRemco Merbis1 December 2017 Comment
Lucy Augé for Make A Place editorial, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis17 October 2017Comment
Niki Groom in Montpelier editorial, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis5 October 2017Comment
Niki Groom for Fat Face editorial, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis22 September 2017Comment
Niki Groom at the Ethicurean editorial, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis22 July 2017Comment
David Minns in Shoreditch architecture, editorial, lifestyle, photography, portraitureRemco Merbis16 July 2017Comment
Foraging with Iain and Matthew Pennington of The Ethicurean day-to-day, editorial, lifestyle, nature, photography, portraitureRemco Merbis4 June 2017Comment
YoBike launches in Bristol editorial, lifestyle, photography, publishedRemco Merbis11 May 2017Comment
Jonathan Boaz portraits and workspace at work, editorial, interviews, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis20 December 2016Comment
Portraits and the workspace of illustrator Niki Groom at work, editorial, interviews, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis19 December 2016Comment
Gilly Woo for Make-A-Place at work, editorial, interviews, lifestyle, photography, portraiture, publishedRemco Merbis6 December 2016Comment